Thursday, March 12, 2009

Road Trip, Day 8

We slept late today, since we paid for two nights and didn't have to hustle to load all our crap back into the van.  That's always pleasant.  Unfortunately, when I woke up I had that off feeling I get when I'm trying to get sick.  I took some vitamin C and ignored the feeling.

Road Trip 2009 033
We left the hotel and fueled up.  We're loving the cheap gas prices.

Road Trip 2009 035
Lunchtime, oh, yeah.  

Road Trip 2009 036
Beef chimichanga FTW!

Road Trip 2009 037
Magnolia Beach, TX.  On a good day it would be lovely.

Road Trip 2009 040
This was not a good day.  In fact, it was at this point that I really started to feel crappy. Apparently sharing the roller coasters with 57 million other people exposed me to something nasty. Shocking, I know.

Road Trip 2009 041
No huge loss, since the weather sucked like a Hoover.  We went back to the hotel, and I took more vitamin C, some Nyquil, and zonked for a few hours.  I'm still feeling a bit achey, so I'm going to take a hot bath w/ epsom salts and then more vitamin C and Nyquil and I'm going to call it a night.

Tomorrow will be better.  I'm mapping out thrift shops.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I guess all days can't be good. At least this one came when you wanted a rest anyway. {Smile}

    I do hope you can avoid getting sick. {Smile}

    Anne Elizabeth Baldwin


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