Sunday, June 14, 2009


It has been business as usual around here. Trying to keep up dyeing momentum, hoping someone will buy something from me on Etsy, avoiding tedious paperwork, making a mess. I don't have anything new, or particularly amusing to post, so I'll do one of those 5 random facts about me dealies.

1. I read the obituaries every day.

2. I talk to my cats like they're people. Sometimes I think they understand me. This doesn't bode well. I see "crazy cat lady" status in my future.

3. I'm not religious at all, but I do believe in positive and negative energy and the way it affects people. Some people have really negative energy, and they are a drain to be around. Conversely, you know those folks who are a joy to be around no matter what is going on in their lives, and you can't put you finger on why? Positive energy. That's my theory anyway.

4. I am the least conservative person I know IRL. My husband and I have a pact not to discuss politics for fear of our marriage. We get along pretty well this way. It's amazing how many other things there are to talk about.

5. I want at least three more tattoos. One of my friends from knitting said she told her kids not to get tattoos because of how bad they would look when they were old and in nursing homes. I told her that I planned on being one messed up Granny Lady and that the interns would have to stretch my skin out to figure out what my tattoos were. Entertainment for all!


  1. "I told her that I planned on being one messed up Granny Lady and that the interns would have to stretch my skin to figure out what my tattoos were. Entertainment for all!"


    Ninja-Monkey-Happy-Joy-Fu-Goddess-Of-Pizza(AKA Taylor.)

  2. 1. So do my parents. They usually tell me if anyone we know turns up.

    2. I'm sure Valentine understands me at times. It depends on the subject. He doesn't know computers, fantasy, or writing, but he knows "Val," "Valentine," "kitty," and "cat" mean we're discussing him. He seems to know when we've mentioned a reason for him to leave the room (like that nasty, smelly flea medicine). He knows when we're happy with him. And he certainly knows when we mention kitty food. {SMILE} So he understands what he feels is important. {SMILE}

    5. {BIG GRIN} Sounds like a plan. {wink, SMILE}

    Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

  3. Taylor, I love you even more than pizza. EVEN MORE THAN THAT!!

  4. @Anne: Cats are mind readers. I am sure of it.


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