Thursday, March 4, 2010

Customer Creations

Hi, gang! In the last week, I've been contacted by a couple of customers who were kind enough to send me photos of their creations with my yarn or fiber. So exciting! I love love love seeing what people come up with!

Knitted Baby Jacket by Littlepearl on Etsy.
(So adorable! What a lucky baby!)

Felted Hot Pad by Margaret from Dolores.
She felted this from fiber in the Johnny Jump Up colorway. NIFTY!

Felted Tea Cozy by Margaret from Dolores.

Wow. I think I need to felt a french press cozy.
I'm really loving that floral detail!

Thank you, ladies, for sharing your photos with me!


  1. Those are nice. {SMILE}

    I just love to see how people take something I've made, and make something new with it. Although in my case, it's usually story ideas, not fibers and yarns. {SMILE}

    Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

  2. Either way, it's feeling like a small part of someone's creation that's gratifying. :-)

  3. The baby jacket is lovely!! I love all those colors. :D

    It's cool to see how it all turns out when someone knits it up. :)


  4. Update woman!



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